Love & Laughter

Fun fact, my birthday is just 2 days after Valentine’s Day so I’ve always looked forward to the holiday and have always felt extra love surrounding February 14th and 16th.

With 3 young boys of our own and little Valentines being passed out by each to their classmates, I tend to think back on a personal memory of Valentine’s Day.

This year’s Valentines for the boy’s classmates are done and of course they include an allergy friendly option. Made Good granola bars are my go to. See below.

Do you remember the days of exchanging Valentines with your classmates in elementary school? One year in particular stands out for me and it’s because I was embarrassed and uncertain how to respond to a personalized Valentine in my bag.

The setting: 3rd grade, Mrs. Houston’s class. Oh how I loved her.

I remember the white paper bags that we decorated individually that were lined up under the chalkboard. A chalkboard. I just aged myself didn’t I? We had a week to fill all of our classmate’s Valentine bags with personalized goodies and notes.

I was in a unique situation at the school because my mother was a teacher there. I was at the school before and after “normal school hours” so I often assisted in the classrooms when help was needed by teachers. 

I was a busy bee as a kid and almost always needed something to do. I loved helping others and still do. I helped Mrs. Houston in the classroom one day during Valentine week and it was on this occasion that I noticed a unique envelope sticking out of my Valentine bag. I peaked at the white legal sized envelope and read what was written on the outside:

To: Amanda

Love: Andy

When Friday came, it was time to take home our Valentine bags.

My mom recently reminded me that I was too nervous to open this letter and made her read it to me when we got home.

Inside was a hand written note, “Will you be my Valentine?” and check boxes, Yes or No. Of course there were check boxes.

Also included with the note was a small 1 inch picture of him. Do you remember those tiny pictures that came as a 8×10 sheet that we used to get with our school picture orders and we’d pass them out to our friends? If not, I have definitely aged myself.

I still recall my cheeks flushing when mom read the note.

Such an innocent request but one that made me nervous and uncertain what to do or how to respond. He was a classmate. What would my response mean? 

I checked NO and returned the letter to him. <gasp>

When I told mom what I had done, I remember her saying, “AMANDA!” But it was said in a way of “Poor Andy”, knowing that I likely hurt his feelings. I can laugh about it now.

Looking back on this small life event, I now recognize 3rd grade was a time when I was beginning to worry about what others thought of me. 

Fast forward to today, I LOVE Valentine’s Day & I no longer care what others think. Life is too short my friends. 

I love the colors associated with Valentine’s Day. The bright pinks and reds tend to lift my spirits and evoke feelings of joy and anticipation for the upcoming season. Here in North Carolina, signs of Spring tend to show up shortly after Valentines which means longer days, vibrant blooms, and warmer days are near.

This Valentine’s Day, I hope you can celebrate love and connection. Use the day as an opportunity to express appreciation and gratitude for loved ones, friends and family.

Write the note. Send the text. Mail a card. Make the phone call.

Brighten someones day.

Do something for yourself.

Celebrate beautiful new beginnings.

Make that special treat. (If you need an idea for this, check out this post for two little Valentine treats.)

Below you will find a few printables which I created that you can use for writing a note or to include with a small gift for that special someone, friend, neighbor or family member.

Let’s spread love like confetti this Valentines and everyday—for Haven’s sake.

PS – I’m sorry Andy.

PPS – I love you Adam.